Medida de anillos Medidor anillos

To calculate the size of your ring there are two ways:

  • Find a ring that you wear regularly and measure the inside diameter of the ring.

Medir anillo con Diametro

With this measurement we consult the following table where we will find the size that corresponds to it.

Medida interior talla anillo

  • If we don’t have a ring, we can measure the circumference of the finger. The easiest way is to do it with a cord that we will later measure to find the exact figure. We then consult the table below to see the equivalence.

Medir anilo

                Medidas de anillos con largo circunferencia del dedo

The equivalences between ring measurements with European Size and American Size are the following:

Anillos Ultreia Rings Camino de Santiago
Anillos Ultreia Rings Camino de Santiago

Anillos de Plata Azabache y Oro